Writer and Poet

Denise Scott

Building Relationships

with God and Family


Relationships, including the one we have with God, require communication.

If you’ve drifted away, don’t assume He doesn’t want you back.

God longs to have an engaging conversation with you.

How would you describe your communication with God?

Secondhand? You hear from someone else what God said.

The cold shoulder? You are miffed and want answers.

A long-distance friendship? You call when you can, if you’re not too busy.

Flat or stale? You’ve heard it all before.

A 911 call? You make contact only when there’s an emergency.

Close? Captivating? You are like a student learning from a highly respected mentor or like someone sharing a secret with a best friend.

You can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything. Oh, the excitement of what happens when we listen to Him—to His heart and to His direction!

READ “Struggle.”

God designed us to be dependent on Him and interdependent with others. Family can provide love and a sense of belonging but is also messy.

How would you describe your family?

Loving and connected?

Exhausting and busy?

Seeking travel and adventure?

Struggling to balance work and family?

Reveling in celebration?

Shocked by unexpected news?

Praying for a prodigal son or daughter?

Coping with illness and caregiving?

Reeling from loss and grief?

Hanging by a thread?

Families often gather and share around the kitchen table.

READ “Scotty’s Masterpiece.”

Building relationships is a process that takes time.

OTHER PEOPLE INSPIRE ME. A friend baked my favorite, a Texas Sheet Cake, for my birthday. When she saw me sitting in the back row at her father’s funeral, she took me by the hand and walked me up front to sit behind her. Decade after decade that friend has been showing me that she cares about me and values our friendship.

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